iOS Reviews Questions


Why Apple suggest using NS_ENUM or NS_OPTIONS to declare an enum?

In Objective-C, we can declare an enum with three ways.

The differences between them:

  1. First, we can find that the DogType and the BirdType specify an underlying type NSInteger for themselves. But the CatType doesn’t specify any special type. In this situation, the compiler will decide the base type whatever he like. (maybe: char, short, or even a 24 bit integer)

  2. Second, the compiler specifically recognizes the NS_ENUM macro, so it knows that you have an enum with values that shouldn’t be combined like flags, the debugger knows what’s going on, and the enum can be translated to Swift automatically.

If we use them in Swift, what will happen?

  1. When declaring an CatType enum , we will find that the CatType isn’t an enum type in Swift. It’s transformed to an alias of UInt32.

    The cases CatTypeOne and CatTypeTwo are actually two UInt32 numbers.

  2. The enum DogType is much better, Swift compiler would transform it to an true enum type.

    But if we want to use its case, you wil find there are some questions when writing. We can’t define a case like The compiler didn’t help us transform these OC enum cases to Swift form. You can only use them like using an OC form enum.

    Of course you can write an extension for it, then you can use it as using a real Swift enum. (var dog: DogType = .one) You can use the initialization method let dog4 = DogType.init(4) to declare an new case.

  3. If you use NS_ENUM to declare an enum in OC, you need to do nothing when using in Swift. The Swift compiler would completely transform it to a Swift enum.

So make sure you use NS_ENUM to declare your enums in OC, then can freely use them in OC or Swift files without any transformations.

Why suggest using instancetype to replace id as the return type of init methods?

There is the answer of the Apple Official

In the early, we all know the return type of constructors and factory methods was id. Why use id instead of certain type? This is because OC is an Object-Oriented language. A sub class will inherit the constructors of its super class. If we initialize an instance by the sub class, the actual return value of the constructor is a sub class instance, so we can’t use an certain type to define the return value type, we need a general type can references all object types.

But there are some questions we can’t resolve, the first is we can invoke a method the class doesn’t have and the compiler warns nothing, the app will crash when running to this code.

The class TestModel doesn’t have a method or property named length. The reason we can invoke this method is the instance is an id type and the id type can invoke all methods of all classes in the project.

Afterwards, Apple provides a new type instancetype to replace the id type. The instancetype is not a certain type or a general type like id, it’s just a compiler flag. It can only be used as the return value type of functions. We invoke the constructor again after changing the return value type to instancetype, the return value won’t be an idtype, it becomes the certain type as same as the class invoked. Then the compiler can display correct code hints and display warning message when you invoke error methods.
This is why we should use instancetype, not id.

In which situation should we use the weak keyword? What are the differences compared with the assign?

In which situation should we use the weak keyword?

  1. In ARC, we will mark one side with weak keyword when there are possibly any cycle reference in some particular scenes. (eg: delegate)
  2. In some particular scenes, the object will be referenced by "itself", we don’t need to reference it twice. For example, we can declare IBOutlet controls properties with weak. This is because there is a private _topLevelObjectsToKeepAliveFromStoryboard array in the ViewController created by storyboard(not xib), the array would references all top level objects.

What are the differences compared with assign?

  1. Firstly, the modifier assign can declare non-object types, but the weak must be used to declare object types.
  2. When we assign a value to a property declared with the weak, the old object referenced by the property won’t perform the release action and the new object assigned to the property won’t perform the retain action. In this case, the assign and weak have the same behaviors. The difference between them is that the weak property will be nil when the object referenced by it was released. The modifier assign is used to declare scaler types (eg: CGFloat, Int, Double, Bool), the setting method of it just perform the easiest assigning action.

How to use the keyword copy?


  1. NSString, NSArray, NSDictionary usually use the keyword copy, because they have the corresponding mutable types, NSMutableString, NSMutableArray, NSMutableDictionary.
  2. The block also often use the keyword copy. Concrete Reason: Objects Use Properties to Keep Track of Blocks

Using copy to decorate a block is a legacy from MRC. In MRC, the block created in function is in the stack area, we need to copy it to the heap area. But this isn’t something you need to worry about when using ARC, it will happen automatically.

In ARC, the copying action will be performed automatically in these situations:

  1. block as functions’ return value
  2. Assign a block to a __strong reference pointer.
  3. As a parameter of a Cocoa API function that’s name contains the string using Block.
  4. As the function parameters of GCD API.

Of course you can decorate a block with the modifier strong, it’s OK. But it’s best practice for the property attribute to show the resultant behavior.

Are there any question when you write like this @property (copy) NSMutableArray *array?

  • The first, you use the modifier copy to decorate a mutable type, when you assign a value to the property array, it will copy the mutable array and transform it to an immutable array in the setter function. At the moment, if you invoke a mutable array’s function (eg: insert) to the property array, you will get a crash because the function cannot be found.
  • The second, Using atomic would heavily depress the App’s performance. There isn’t an modifier named atomic, so if you don’t mark one property with nonatomic, the property will be atomic.

Why do not suggest declaring an atomic property?

We know the purpose of using the modifier atomic is for multithread safe, the compiler will generate some additional code to keep thread safe, it’ll bring some performance troubles. Unfortunately, just using the atomic can’t achieve ours aim to implement thread safe, we need a more deeper locking mechanism.

How to make our custom classes can use the modifier copy? How to overwrite the setter method of the copying property?

If you want to define a yourself class can be copy, your class needs to abide by the NSCopying protocol. If your class has two forms, mutable and immutable, you must abide by two protocols NSCopying and NSMutableCopying at the same time.

Detail steps:

  1. Declare the class abiding by the protocol.
  2. Implement the protocol method -(id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone.

What is the essence of the modifier @property? How to generate ivar ,getter and setter and insert them to classes?

@property = ivar + getter + setter

Property is a feature of Objective-C, its mainly purpose is to encapsulating the data in the class. Objective-C usually uses various instance variables to store data. And then using the accessing method to set or get data from instance variables. This feature was introduced in Objective-C 2.0. In formal Objective-C coding specification, the getter and setter method have strict naming conventions, so the compiler can help us automatically generate the accessing functions.

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